The 2008 best songs
Today #05 to #01
#05 Berry - Mademoiselle
#04 Portishead - Machine Gun
#03 Moriarty - Jimmy
#02 Coeur de Pirate - Comme des enfants
#01 Emiliana Torrini - Hold Heart
The 2008 best songs
Today #05 to #01
#05 Berry - Mademoiselle
The 2008 best songs
Today #10 to #06
#10 Sebastien Tellier - L'amour et la violence
The 2008 best songs
Today #15 to #11
#15 Adele - Hometown glory
The 2008 best songs
Today #20 to #16
#20 Camille - My home is where it hurts
01. Emiliana Torrini - Me and Armini (Iceland)
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02. Coeur de Pirate - Untitled (Canada)
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03. Claire Diterzi - Tableau de chasse (France)
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04. Barbara Carlotti - L'idéal (France)
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05. Moriarty - Whiz but this is a lonesome town (France)
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06. Chris Garneau - Music for tourists (USA)
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07. Loane - Jamais seule (France)
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08. The Do - A mouthful (France / Finland)
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09. Alain Bashung - Bleu pétrole (France)
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10. Elsa lunghini - Untitled (France)
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11. Camille - Music Hole (France)
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12. Portishead - Third (United Kingdom)
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13. Adele - 19 (United Kingdom)
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14. Vincent Delerm - Quinze chansons (France)
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15. Arnaud Cathrine & Florent Marchet - Frère animal (France)
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Label Best of 2008
The new playlist is online.
A new Emily Loizeau's song, Emiliana Torrini , Alex Beaupin, Florent Marchet, Nina Morato, Barbara Carlotti...
A good introduction before a post of the 15 songs and albums of the year...
Label Radio
The good news of the day: Melanie Pain, singer of the bands Nouvelle Vague and Villeneuve has just finished her first solo album!!! Here is a splendid avant-goût, in English s'il vous plait !
Label Folk, French, Joy Division, Mélanie Pain, Nouvelle Vague, pop, Villeneuve